
Everything you need to know about our Company

We are known for forging with accuracy and quality. We have both facility of open & closed die forging.


Open die forging involves the shaping of heated metal parts between a top die attached to a ram and a bottom die attached to a hammer, anvil or bolster. Metal parts are worked at their appropriate temperatures, ranging from 500째F to 2400째F, and gradually shaped into the desired configuration through the skillful hammering or pressing of the workpiece.


Closed Die Forging is a forging process in which dies move towards each other and covers the workpiece in whole or in part. The heated raw material, which is approximately the shape or size of the final forged part, is placed in the bottom die. The shape of the forging is incorporated in the top or bottom die as a negative image. Coming from above, the impact of the top die on the raw material forms it into the required forged form.